12/11/20 – Auditor changes

Three major changes in the current week. Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC lost one audit each. Deloitte and PwC lost their audits to non-big4 firms while KPMG lost their client to Deloitte.

CompanyOld AuditorNew Auditor
GRN Holding Corp (GRNF)Pinnacle
Quantum Energy Inc.DMTBF Borgers
Mphase Technologies IncRBSM LLPBoyle CPA
Morgan Group Holding CoDeloitteRSM
Verus International, Inc.RBSM LLPBoyle CPA
Regis CorpPwCGT
Lilis Energy, Inc.BDO
Luminar Technologies, Inc.KPMGDeloitte
Auditor changes