aerial photography of elizabeth tower london

S&P 500 companies registered in UK

There are 6 US S&P 500 companies registered in UK. PwC leads the pack with $64 million in audit fees and 3 audit clients. EY and Deloitte…

vehicles on the road near high rise buildings

Minnesota Accounting Firms

There are 12 S&P 500 clients in Minnesota. PwC leads the pack bringing in $51 million of audit and related fees followed by Deloitte with $39 million….

bird s eye view photography of lighted city

EY Indianapolis clients

There are 7 S&P 500 companies in Indiana. EY Indianapolis office audits 3 of those companies bringing in a total of $43 million in audit fees. PwC…

US Companies in Ireland and their auditors

There are 10 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Ireland. EY, PwC and KPMG audits 5, 4, and 1 of those companies respectively. Eaton Corporation which has its…

EY audit clients in Atlanta

EY Atlanta audit clients

Looking at the largest US Corporations in Atlanta, EY leads in the number and total audit fees. Deloitte, PwC, and KPMG take the remaining spots respectively. EY…

aerial photography of city buildings

EY Memphis clients

Looking at the biggest 500 Companies in US, EY leads in number of clients and audit revenue in the Tennessee market. Deloitte and PwC share one client…

brown and black concrete building

Deloitte clients in Madison

Deloitte and EY share the honors in Wisconsin splitting the S&P 500 companies 6 and 3 respectively. Deloitte’s Madison office bought in $60 million audit fees in…

7/18/20 – Auditor changes

A week with quite a few changes despite the COVID-19 pandemic. KPMG lost a big client in Global Eagle Entertainment during the week. This client bought in…

PwC clients in Detroit

Michigan is the land of the US auto majors. One big change in recent years was the switch from Deloitte to EY by General Motors. PwC leads…