4/9/21 – Auditor Changes

Bi-weekly update: Couple of wins for Deloitte this week along with minor losses. PwC lost 2 audit clients while gaining one. Deloitte won 5 clients and lost 2 audit clients. EY lost 1 and gained 1 audit client.

Clene Inc. and Varex Imaging Corp. switched from PwC to Deloitte. Essential properties Realty Trust changed their auditors from EY to GT. Mimedx Group Inc switched from BDO to Deloitte. Custom Truck One Source and Ra Medical Systems switched from Deloitte. View Inc. changed from Withum to PwC.

CompanyOld AuditorNew Auditor
Sterling Real Estate TrustBaler TillyRSM
Clene Inc.PwCDeloitte
Varex Imaging CorpPwCDeloitte
Texas Pacific Land CorpLane GormanDeloitte
Coffee Holding Co IncMarcumEisner
Cang Bao Art Trade CenterJLKZWWC
Universal Logistics Holdings IncGT
Essential Properties Realty TrustEYGT
First United CorpCrowe
FreightCar America, Inc.GT
One Group Hospitality Inc.Plante Moran
SmartMetric, Inc.Prager MetisBoyle
Traqiq Inc.AJSHTR Chadha & Co.
Fortitude Gold CorpPlante MoranHaynie
Beam GlobalSalbergRSM
Mimedx Group IncBDODeloitte
Eagle Bancorp IncDHGCrowe
Custom Truck One Source, Inc.DeloitteEY
Body & Mind IncMarcumSadler Gibb
BTRS Holdings Inc.MarcumBDO
Metromile, Inc.GTMoss Adams
Joint CorpPlante MoranBDO
Ra Medical Systems IncDeloitteHaskell White
Vyant Bio, Inc.MarcumDeloitte
View IncWithumPwC