

PwC biggest audit clients

time lapse photography of vehicle passing buildings

Here is the list of top 25 clients of PwC in terms of total audit fees in millions. The financials and insurance sector are the major contributor in terms of fees for PwC. IBM is the only non-financial and insurance company in the top 5. These 25 clients together contribute $1.17 billion in audit fees for PwC.

Biggest Big4 clients in Europe (Part-2)

Don’t miss Part-1 of this blog. Continuing from there, Germany: The breakdown of the 15 top companies in Germany is as follows: Name Auditor Currency Sum of Total Fees (Reporting Currency) Total Fees (Millions USD) Adidas KPMG Euro 2.50 3.03…

Biggest Big4 clients in Europe (Part-1)

This week we’ll look into the top 100 companies in Europe and their auditors. We utilize the iSTOXX European 100 index to identify the companies. iSTOXX European 100 index provides a blue-chip representation of Europe’s largest companies, combining indices from…

5/28/21 – Auditor Changes

Few notable changes between the weeks of 5/1 to 5 Deloitte lost 3 audit clients while gaining 2 audit clients. PwC had a net zero change by gaining and losing 2 audit clients. Below is the list of all changes…

Deloitte Australia Clients

Deloitte Australia is led by Adam Powick. For FY21, Deloitte recorded a revenue of AUD 2.31 billion vs. AUD 2.45 billion in FY20. Certainly the pandemic has taken a toll on the business leading to a 2% decline in revenues.…

KPMG Australia Clients

KPMG Australia is led by its CEO Andrew Yates who took over in July, 2021. KPMG Revenues were 1.9 billion AUD up 7% when compared with FY 19. Audit, Assurance & Risk Consulting (AARC) revenues was up 9%, Deals, Tax…

PwC Australia Clients

For FY20, PwC recorded a revenue of AUD 2.6 billion. The headline revenue number remained unchanged from FY19. Big surprise was that Assurance service delivered a growth of 6% while Consulting and Financial Advisory were down 4% and 2% respectively.…