

7/25/20 Auditor changes

A relatively quiet week in terms of auditor changes. BDO lost two clients who collectively bought in $1.16 million in audit fees last year while EY lost a client which bought in $470K in audit fees. Company Old Auditor New…

Big4 clients in Missouri

There are 10 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Missouri. KPMG leads the pack bringing in $40 million in total audit fees from 3 companies. PwC and Deloitte takes the second and third spot respectively. Emerson Electric is KPMG’s biggest audit…

PwC clients in Connecticut

There are 12 S&P 500 clients headquartered in Connecticut. PwC’s Hartford office brings in most audit revenues of $44.77 million among the other firms. However, KPMG has 5 clients and $37 million in total audit revenues. The market is fairly…

Minnesota Accounting Firms

There are 12 S&P 500 clients in Minnesota. PwC leads the pack bringing in $51 million of audit and related fees followed by Deloitte with $39 million. EY and KPMG takes the third and fourth place respectively. US Bancorp is…

EY Indianapolis clients

There are 7 S&P 500 companies in Indiana. EY Indianapolis office audits 3 of those companies bringing in a total of $43 million in audit fees. PwC Indianapolis office audits 2 clients with a fee revenue of $24 million. Deloitte,…