Category: KPMG

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Top Australian Companies and their auditors

We look into the top Australian companies in the ASX200 Index and their auditors. EY audits the most number of ASX200 companies followed by PwC.

PCAOB Inspection reports

Consistent improvement by Deloitte, EY, and KPMG in their deficiency rate. However, an increasing deficiency…

KPMG PCAOB Inspection Report

PCAOB released its 2019 inspection report for KPMG. Of the 58 audits reviewed, Part I.A…

KPMG UK Audit clients

KPMG Fee Income KPMG UK revenues for FY20 was 2.3 billion pounds. Revenue was lower…

Busy Liverpool Street Station, UK

Top UK Companies and their Auditors

This blogpost examines the top UK companies in FTSE 350 index, focusing on their auditors. PwC leads in the number of clients, auditing 95 companies with $336 million in revenue, while KPMG leads in total revenue, auditing 88 companies and generating $347 million.

Who are KPMG’s largest clients?

The most frequently searched question for all Big4s are who are their largest audit clients….

KPMG audit clients

KPMG is one of the biggest audit firms in the world. They operate through a…

New York City view, USA

Top US Companies and their Auditors

EY audits the most number of S&P500 US companies followed by PwC. Deloitte and KPMG takes the third and fourth place respectively. GT audits 5 companies while BDO audits 1 company.

US Audit clients in Switzerland, Netherlands and Bermuda

Check out our earlier blogposts on the Big4 accounting firms and their audit clients across…