Category Auditor changes

Auditor Changes in Jun’21

For the month of Jun’21, there were multiple auditor changes mostly on account of SPACs changing their auditor from Withum or Marcum to a Big4 firm. KPMG gained 4 audit clients while losing 2. Company Old Auditor New Auditor Citi…

5/28/21 – Auditor Changes

Few notable changes between the weeks of 5/1 to 5 Deloitte lost 3 audit clients while gaining 2 audit clients. PwC had a net zero change by gaining and losing 2 audit clients. Below is the list of all changes…

4/30/21 – Auditor Changes

Couple of changes between the weeks of 4/10 to 4 KPMG gains two clients while EY and Deloitte gains one client each. Energy 11 L.P switched from GT to EY. TG Therapeutics changed from CohnReznick to KPMG. Chesapeake Granite Wash…