Category Deloitte

Deloitte audit clients

Deloitte Toronto Office. 181 Bay

Deloitte audits 21% of the total companies across all sectors in S&P 500. This significant market presence underscores Deloitte’s reputation and reliability in the auditing industry. Deloitte audits 28% of the companies in the Financials sector, which includes major players like MetLife Inc. and Morgan Stanley.

Deloitte 2024 revenues

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Deloitte earlier this week reported its global revenues for FY2024. Global revenues rose to $67.2 billion, an increase of 3.6% in dollar terms.

Top Indian Companies and their Auditors

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The Indian accounting landscape is primarily regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The ICAI sets standards and guidelines for accounting and auditing practices. As of recent estimates, India has over 400,000 Chartered Accountants (CAs).

PCAOB 2020 Inspection Reports

The 2020 inspection reports sprung a lot of surprises. PwC led the big4 firms with only 1 deficiency out of the 52 audits inspected. Deloitte had 2 deficiencies out of the 53 audits reviewed. The detailed summary of Part I…

Top Audit Firms in India

In India, regulations do not permit foreign auditing firms to operate. Hence KPMG carries out audits in India under the name of BSR & Co, an auditing firm that it bought. BSR & Co was an auditing firm founded by…