Category PwC

EY audit clients in Texas

There are 38 S&P 500 companies in Texas mostly in the Oil & Gas sector. EY leads the Texas audit market with 16 companies bringing in a total fee of $182 million. GT has two clients, Concho Resources and Diamondback…

PwC Maryland and Delaware clients

There are 10 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Maryland and Delaware. Deloitte has no audit clients in these two states. PwC Baltimore leads with 4 clients earning a total fee of $83 million. EY and KPMG has 4 and 2…

Big4 clients in Massachusetts

There are 21 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Massachusetts. There will be big changes happening to this list come next year, thanks to GE switching from KPMG to Deloitte. PwC Massachusetts office leads with 8 audit clients bringing in total…

EY audit clients in Ohio

Ohio is home to 19 S&P 500 Companies. Surprisingly, KPMG has no audit clients in Ohio. EY Ohio office leads with 8 audit clients bringing in a total audit fee of $65 million. PwC and Deloitte has 7 and 4…

PwC California clients

Surprising results when looking at the S&P 500 companies in California and their auditors. First of all, 74 companies in S&P 500 is headquartered in California. That’s whopping 15% in one state. EY audits some of the big names in…

Accounting firms in New York

New York has some of the biggest names in the financial industry. Its no surprise that NY has 55 of the S&P 500 companies. That’s a solid 11% in one state. PwC New York office as expected leads over the…

Big4 clients in Philadelphia

Let’s first look at the state where our constitution was drafted. There are 16 S&P 500 companies with their headquarters in PA. Kraft Heinz is one which has HQ in Chicago and Pittsburgh. Looking at the audit fees paid by…