Category Uncategorized

10/9/20 – Auditor changes

KPMG and PwC gains one audit each while Deloitte loses one client. Interesting fact is that the gains and losses are from and to non-big 4 firms. Company Old Auditor New Auditor Strattec Security Corporation Deloitte Crowe LLP BioNexus Gene…

9/11/20 – Auditor changes

One major change this week. KPMG lost the audit of Extreme Networks Inc. which bought in $3.6 million in audit fees previous year. Big win for EY!! Company Old Auditor New Auditor Total Fee Previous Auditor (‘000) $ ZZLL Information…

9/7/20 – Auditor changes

Big week of Deloitte as it rakes up two audit assignments which paid their previous auditors $4.4 million collectively. Bloom Energy Corp. switched from PwC to Deloitte while Radius Health Inc. switched from EY to Deloitte. Company Old Auditor New…

8/29/20 – Auditor Changes

Few auditor changes in the two weeks of August. In terms of revenue, SJW Group which bought in $2 million revenues for KPMG past year switched to Deloitte. Meanwhile KPMG gained 2 clients which together paid $1.2 million last year…

8/15/20 – Auditor changes

Another quiet week for auditor changes. One big change is that Deloitte lost the audit of Century Casinos to Grant Thornton. This audit bought in a total fee of $1.6 million in 2019 for Deloitte. Probably the COVID-19 uncertainty prompted…

8/7/2020 Auditor changes

Relatively a quiet week in regard to auditor changes. BDO gained a client due to merger with another CPA firm. Here are the details: Company Old Auditor New Auditor Nature of change Lux Amber Corp – Whitley Penn Appointment Altair…

7/31/20 Auditor changes

Pretty uneventful week. Only two auditor changes for this week. EY lost an audit client which bought in $574K in fees last year to DHG. Company Old Auditor New Auditor Nature of change Total Fee Previous Auditor (‘000) $ Galaxy…

7/25/20 Auditor changes

A relatively quiet week in terms of auditor changes. BDO lost two clients who collectively bought in $1.16 million in audit fees last year while EY lost a client which bought in $470K in audit fees. Company Old Auditor New…

7/18/20 – Auditor changes

A week with quite a few changes despite the COVID-19 pandemic. KPMG lost a big client in Global Eagle Entertainment during the week. This client bought in $7 million in total fees for KPMG. Marcum LLP had a big week…