bird s eye view photography of lighted city

EY Indianapolis clients

There are 7 S&P 500 companies in Indiana. EY Indianapolis office audits 3 of those companies bringing in a total of $43 million in audit fees. PwC…

US Companies in Ireland and their auditors

There are 10 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Ireland. EY, PwC and KPMG audits 5, 4, and 1 of those companies respectively. Eaton Corporation which has its…

PwC clients in Detroit

Michigan is the land of the US auto majors. One big change in recent years was the switch from Deloitte to EY by General Motors. PwC leads…

Deloitte clients in Virginia

There are 11 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Virginia. Surprisingly, only 1 audit client for PwC in Virginia. Deloitte leads both in terms of number of companies…

EY Chicago audit clients

There are 33 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Illinois. EY Chicago office leads in terms of number of audit clients while Deloitte leads in terms of total…

PwC Maryland and Delaware clients

There are 10 S&P 500 companies headquartered in Maryland and Delaware. Deloitte has no audit clients in these two states. PwC Baltimore leads with 4 clients earning…

Columbus Ohio Skyline Cityscape  - HansJuergenW / Pixabay

EY audit clients in Ohio

Ohio is home to 19 S&P 500 Companies. Surprisingly, KPMG has no audit clients in Ohio. EY Ohio office leads with 8 audit clients bringing in a…

Lighthouse Coast Sunset Sunrise  - NWimagesbySabrinaEickhoff / Pixabay

EY clients in Washington and Oregon

Moving to Washington and Oregon, we see EY continuing to keep up with the gains from Silicon Valley. A total of 15 companies from WA and Oregon…