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Salary Data

For those who are interested to contribute, drop in your salary information using this tool. Data will be updated on a weekly basis. Look forward to having…

woman falling in line holding each other

Total employees and gender diversity in Big4

In this blog we’ll look into the total workforce of big4 firms and their gender representation. PwC PwC has 295,371 employees across the world with 11,897 partners….

PwC Audit Clients

PwC PCAOB Inspection Report

Last week PCAOB released its 2019 inspection report for PwC. Of the 60 audits reviewed, Part I.A deficiencies were identified in 18 of them (a deficiency rate…

PwC Audit Clients

Who are PwC’s largest clients?

The most frequently searched question for all Big4s are who are their largest clients. In the previous blog we looked into how PwC stacks in regard to…

PwC Audit Clients

PwC audit clients in the US

PwC is one of the biggest audit firms in the world. They operate through a network of firms across the world. PwC recently reorganized its assurance and…

S&P 500 auditor analysis

The following is a detailed analysis of the S&P 500 companies and their independent auditors. EY audits 152 of those 500 companies followed by PwC who audits…

6/22/20 – Big4 news round-up

Here is some big4 news I found interesting from around the world 1. UK’s FRC to probe EY and PwC for their audit of investment firm London…